Over the past few months, I've been eyeing those pretty milk glass vases in most interior design blogs and magazines.
While it's hard to look at milk glass and not think about our great-grandmas, I think it can look really good in a modern context because of its clean, edgy design. Plus, I love how the white enhances any color of flowers.
This past weekend I went milk glass hunting at the local flea markets, and I was lucky to score some great pieces!! Unfortunately, here in Mexico the prices are a lot higher than in the US (I've read bloggers who've found pieces from as low as 25 cents!!).
Now that I've got a white crush, on my milk glass wish list are: a cake pedestal (to display my home baked goodies) and a compote.
The pictures above, I've been collecting from several blogs for a while now.
And last but not least, I wanted to share my own milk glass collection...