Well, I really had intentions of bringing good pictures from ACL, but the downpours of saturday ruined those plans....
The highlights of the festival:
-Phoenix's performance: A-w-e-s-o-m-e. Definitely the best act of Friday. The Band showed very enthusiastic and Thomas Mars, the lead singer repeatedly said "Thank You!" and "Merci Beaucoup" to the crowd, mentioning that it was the biggest crowd they've ever played for. Everyone seemed pleasantly surprised by the amazing show they put on.
-John Legend opened his act LITERALLY in front of me, with Bob Marley's "Redemption Song".
-I saw Molly Sims with a group friends watching the Kings of Leon.
-Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam joined the Kings of Leon onstage for their last song "Slow night, so long", banging a pair of tambourines as hard as possibly.
-Dave Matthews Band rocked the park, keeping thousands of muddy concert-goers entertained.
What I liked most about Austin:
-South Congress Cafe
-Vintage Boutiques
-Cupcake trailers
Aunque tenia toda la intencion de volver del festival con buenas fotos, la lluvia arruino mis planes....No iba preparada con camara contra agua.
Los "highlights":
-El concierto de Phoenix. Estuvo increible. Thomas Mars, el cantante del grupo no dejo de agradecer y de interactuar con el publico. Estaba tan emocionado que hasta brinco entre las masas de gente.
-John Legend abrio su concierto literalmente a medio metro de donde yo estaba!
-Molly Sims con un grupo de amigos en los Kings of Leon
-Eddie Vedder de Pearl Jam acompano a los KOL en su cancion de cierre, con un par de panderos.
-Dave Matthews Band mantuvo prendido a su publico de mas de 20 mil expectadores que cantaban y brincaban llenos de lodo hasta las rodillas